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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

…and Peter Wept

”But Peter said, “Man, I do not know what you are talking about.” Immediately, while he was still speaking, a rooster crowed. The Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had told him, “Before a rooster crows today, you will deny Me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly [deeply grieved and distressed],“

‭‭Luke‬ ‭22‬:‭60‬-‭62,‬ ‭AMP.‬‬

As humans we often proclaim our heart’s desire. “I love you!” “It’s a boy!” “I have decided to follow Jesus!”

And then there’s the bane of our claims: the New Year’s resolution. We truly want to make changes, hold fast to resolutions, and live out promises, but alas, all too often we don’t. We justify or actually just forget what we set out to do.

Peter was no different. He made a bold, heartfelt statement: “I will never deny You!” Yet, his reality was that he did. His proclamation of the good intent was worsened by the fact that he forgot he made such a promise. One can easily see why. Jesus had just been betrayed by one of His apostles and falsely arrested. Everyone Peter knew had scattered. Peter probably was a confused mess and gave no thought to recent conversations. Stunned and shocked might describe Peter's state of mind.

I got lost in Disneyland when I was six. Not that this compares to Peter’s confusion, but it was pretty profound for me, because I still remember it. I threw a temper tantrum because I wanted a hot dog while everyone else wanted a hamburger. That moment of “Where did my family go?” — when I finally looked up to join them, wiped my eyes, and was filled with fear and confusion because no one I knew was there —was, as I said, memorable.

Peter looked up only to see Jesus looking at him after his third admission of rejection with the sound of the rooster fading in the background. Then he remembered his vow, his promise of never denying Jesus. In less than a day Peter had proclaimed, forgotten, remembered, and now wept.

He wept with a deep longing to turn back time. Give me one more chance. And yet he knew, “You, Jesus were right.” With guilt, anguish, frustration, and tears, Peter knew he had let down his friend and not for the first time. He argued with the others about who was greatest, he slept during Jesus' anguished prayer, and then he finally denied Him their association and friendship.

Our broken promises may not be that dramatic, yet they can still sting, find a space to burrow in, and make us sad. Sometimes we need to be aware that when we make emotional promises we are often disappointed, usually with ourselves. This sadness or remorse can actually kick start determination if we let it. We can have success if we ask Jesus to assist us.

Peter got a new beginning when he sought forgiveness, and then he was filled with the Holy Spirit. He went from a man who apparently cared what others thought of him to the man of God he was created to be a rock, the rock on which the Church was built. Peter helped build the same church we are all part of today! When we agree to follow Jesus and set our will on the altar, we become part of the kingdom of God.

All regrettable promises can be redeemed. Like Peter, God can use our experience to create a deeper level of intimacy and trust, one Peter held on to until he died.

When Jesus looks at you, do you turn away due to fear or regret? Or do you meet His gaze and smile back?


Thank You that You are quick to forgive our broken promises when we seek You with a contrite heart.

You are able to heal and restore our honor and our dignity. You lift us back up when we realize we need Your hand to help us stand. We are unable to fight the good fight without You.

Thank You for Your ongoing love and support. Thank You for seeing us and helping us through our struggles.

Help us today to walk beside You—not ahead, but right next to You.

Teach us what it means for our yes to be a yes and our no to be a no. Help us keep our promises, especially the one we gave You: to follow and obey You fully. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one, all for Your kingdom and Your glory,




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