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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

Cabinets and Character

”Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal,”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬:‭16‬-‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬.

The week our oldest started kindergarten, we had our kitchen remodeled. It was also the week of 9/11. Needless to say, it was a trying time emotionally for this mom. Three major events that happened simultaneously.

I was able to release one event into the hands of our trusted contractor. He knew his people, and we knew him. So when he said don’t worry, I didn’t. When he said the cabinets will be beautiful, I knew they would be. That was over 20 years ago. Our cabinets now need a little TLC. They need to be renewed--not replaced, but renewed--“making like new, restored to freshness, renovated—revamped.”

As Christians, we too, experience seasons of fatigue and weariness—like my cabinets, we too, need a little tender loving care. We need to be restored to freshness. There are times in which we are in need of a deep cleaning. Other times it’s just a gentle wipe down. Yet, often we sit back and expect God to do all the work. We need to realize that we are able to actually "wipe down the cabinets and help restore them." In other words, we can actually be spiritually proactive. We can choose to take the first step in the morning to greet God and ask Him to be part of our lives. We can choose to thank God daily instead of only asking Him to do something for us. We could clean ourselves--making good choices with our time, finances, and health. We can change our attitude as God changes our character, and in doing so, we pursue His Holiness.

Sometimes God waits to see how active we are in our pursuit of Him. If we notice an area in our lives that needs assistance, repair, or transformation do we expect God to miraculously change us? When will we finally notice that we have the tools needed, like self-control, God's wisdom, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God? Or do we sit and stare at these tools, waiting for them to jump up and fix our own problems like an animated character? For example, if we need to love our enemy, what are we doing to accomplish this goal?

Some of us want to leave well enough alone and bask in yesterday’s triumphs. This however, will prevent us from today’s victories. What we need to do is step up, grab God’s hand and say, “Let’s do this together! I want victory in my life with You, King Jesus!”

The Bible says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded,” James 4:8.

Let’s take a step, make it our choice to obey, work out our salvation, and live the life God is training us to live. We can actively draw near to God and actively take a step forward. We have the ability to get out of bed, get dressed, and go to a gathering of believers. We have the ability to pick up our Bibles, open them and read the Word. God can renew us daily, so let’s do our part and lean into Him, accepting our responsibility. Change is difficult, but necessary. Even snakes change their outer casing so they can grow. And we are so much more valuable than a snake!

Remember, we need today’s challenges in order for us to succeed in tomorrow’s victories. Each struggle builds the character we need to obey more diligently and to overcome in the future. God is renewing us day by day. Our part is to take that renewed part and put it into practice, making it useful.

Are we ready to accept the challenge that’s in front of us? Are we ready to be proactive about our relationship with God?


You have renewed our hearts and minds. You do this daily. Help us with our responsibility to do our part for Your kingdom, the very Kingdom You invited us into: the Kingdom of God.

We were slaves in another kingdom of darkness and You bought us with your blood, so we could be part of Your kingdom of light, forgiveness, and salvation.

Help us to do our part in building up Your kingdom and work like Jesus worked, day by day, until His part was built.

Forgive us for expecting You to do all the work. We stand ready to obey. Thank You for helping us on our journey, for never leaving us, and for loving us unconditionally.

Thank You for giving us this day to serve You. We love you.



Thank you!


Jun 13



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