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Writer's pictureSusie Wong


”Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.“

‭‭Psalms ‭143‬:‭8‬, ‭NIV‬‬.

There are many talented and capable people who would make amazing doctors. Yet, they turned to different careers because of the daunting educational requirements that loomed in front of them. 

If King David saw his future portfolio at the time of his anointing by Samuel, he might have stayed a shepherd. David did not know that he would be hunted down, sleep in caves, train a rebel group of future soldiers, and need to pretend he was crazy in order to escape from the hands of his enemy. He didn’t know his journey would be a 20 year school of hard knocks. 

All David knew was that he could trust God to lead him.

David went willingly into the darkest night. He was not without questions and complaints, yet he walked ever forward as he followed God.

In Psalm 143 we read that David cried out to the Lord, asking for deliverance from his enemies. What we don’t read here, is God answering him. Yet, David trusted the silence, too.

God didn’t remove David from these seemingly difficult situations, God used these moments to train David in the art of leadership. David actually ended up with a group of about 400 men that had been outcasts and trained them in righteousness and soldiering. These men ended up being called “The Mighty Men of David.”

Many of these men stayed with David for the rest of their lives. As David rose up to be the King of Judah, these men were there with him. When David became the King of Israel, these men who once slept in caves now slept under the protection of their king.

God knew what He was doing. God knew what David needed—even when David didn’t.

It wasn’t easy for David to be trained this way—constantly sleeping with one eye metaphorically opened. But David trusted God. Throughout the Psalms David penned, many are filled with his woes, but they all proclaim God as the ultimate leader. And David would follow.

Sometimes it’s better not to know what tomorrow brings and just trust the One who brings our tomorrows.

Our future might be messy, scary, or filled with unfulfilled expectations. Yet, it will always be filled with hope, God’s love, and the chance for righteous living. The possibility to do some good in our world gives us purpose. This is God’s offering to His children.

Will you accept His offering? What will you do with it?


Thank You for David’s story. Thank You that You chose to include it in the Bible, Your Holy Word. Thank You that we can draw so many lessons from just one life—sold out to You.

Help us to live like David. Though not perfect, he had his eyes on You, trusting You day after day after day.

When we cry out, we know You will hear us. Help us to trust You with Your leading, and Your silence.

You are our King. We will serve You.



I’ve been in a time of my life where waiting and trusting in the LORD has felt harder than ever before! Grateful God has been using people like you to be an encouragement!!


I’m reading Draw the Circle and learning how to pray in the waiting, as long as it takes (ALAT) instead of ASAP. Looking at David’s life is a really good example of waiting on God.

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Thank you for sharing, Barbara! I’m amazed at David’s tenacity, too!



Niyah W.
Apr 11

Wow, the Lord always has perfect timing! I am reading the story of David right now and your devotional message was just what I needed as I struggle with looking to the future too often.

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Thank you for sharing, Niyah!

We can learn so much from David’s life!



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