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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

God Calling

“So Eli told Samuel, ‘Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, 'Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.’ So Samuel went and lay down in his place,” 

I Samuel 3:9-10, NIV.

During our study on “Hearing God” at our church, the conversations around the campus and in our Life Groups have been changing. It’s exciting to hear stories of fellow Christ followers leaning in to hear God, then report back on their discoveries. As others struggle to hear the still, small voice of God, they are becoming more resolute in their pursuit of Him. It’s so encouraging to see how God leads each of us on our own path. The journey is definitely different for all of us. 

Just like each parent/child relationship within a family, no two connections will be identical. Yet, the love from the parent is sincere toward all. God is the same with us—it’s just when we are in His presence—He truly makes us feel like we are the only ones in the room. 

Still, when others hear God, it’s like they receive a phone call, knowing it’s God, and they let it go to voicemail. Their outgoing messages read something like this:

“I can’t really be bothered to come to the phone right now, but please, if You need to, leave me a message. If I have time, I’ll listen to it. If I agree with it—I’ll get back to You.” Beeeep.

Imagine God listening to that message directed to Himself! As a parent, if my sons left me a similar message—“No soup for you!” In other words, I’d be upset and put out.

God understands our fallen nature better than we do ourselves. He patiently waits for His kids to understand two things about Him—He can be trusted, and He sincerely loves us.

Our personal worlds will change when we turn that corner of obedience and choose to be all-in and surrendered to God as His devoted children. He will teach us to listen and train us in righteousness; not self-righteousness, but true “right-doing.” He will guide, counsel, encourage, and draw near to us. We will know His joy, experience His peace, and learn how precious His other traits are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We will understand those trials we endured were needed to develop His supernatural traits within us. We will agree with James 1 that it was worth it.

We will then have those wonderful "aha moments"—times where we know that God is on the move, using us to help build His Kingdom. We will be able to read the word of God, the Bible, with clarity, hear His still, small voice as encouragement, and so much more. We will truly be able to love our enemies as our Father does. Remember—we were His enemies before we surrendered to Him, and He loved us then, too.

This is a relationship that takes tenacity. We are fighting against our human nature—to have my way, do my own thing, every day. Yet as we fight, God is there to help us out.

We will never be perfect on this side of heaven, but we will be forgiven. The more we struggle to grow, the stronger we will become. So, don’t give up on this amazing relationship that God is offering us. It’s worth all the dedicated, intentional work we put into it.

Remember, it’s only one day at a time. (Just remember to repeat your devotion the next day.)

Are you willing to answer “the phone” and be like Samuel and say, “Speak God, Your servant is listening?”


What a joy it is to greet You! Father! Father! Father!

I love You more today than ever before. I love how You have never given up on me. I love how You have never left me. I love how You have reminded me to stay the course for the last 45 years. 

You have taught me that it’s not my way, it’s Your way that will give me peace, fill me with joy, and create in me a clean heart.

Thank You!

I will answer when You call me. I will say, “Yes,” to that calling. And I will greet You tomorrow morning, if I am still here on earth. If not, then I’m greeting you in Heaven—Yea!

Your will be done,



“Those trials we endured were needed to develop His supernatural traits within us…The more we struggle to grow, the stronger we will become.”

If that isn’t the truth! The trials, the wrestling, the missteps, the course correction…they’re all so worth it. Thank you Father for your great love.

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Me, too! Daily!😘


Thx ! I needed this!


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