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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

Hippie Love

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God,” I John 4:7.

Love. So many definitions, so much confusion. The Bible has defined love generally in three basic ways:

Eros—romantic love (love with the body)

Philo—friendship love (love with the heart), a connection.

Agape—general love, an affectionate or benevolent concern for others (love with the mind), a choice.

All three of these types of love have a place within humanity. 

All three have an attached responsibility that comes with loving others. Whether it’s a marriage bond, a friendship joy, or a community commitment, we are asked to love with responsibility. We are told to love with a duty and purpose. 

Let not the marriage bed be defiled.

A friend loves at all times.

Love your enemy.

“Love each other, as I have loved you.”

We are told to love like Jesus. With the desire to see others as more important than ourselves. We are to see the need of the person in front of us and meet their “felt need.” The real need. 

Jesus knew that humanity’s real need was salvation. This has not changed. Jesus also fed the hungry, cured diseases, eased their suffering and chased out demons. Jesus met the needs of the whole person. Yet, He never lost sight of His primary goal—to save the lost. He offers spiritual transformation—from death to life, and for spiritual dehydration He offers living water.

Jesus told people that they were lost, living with their sin, and in need of forgiveness. 

Jesus didn’t love like the 1960’s free love—or hippie love—all are welcome, no judgment, drink, take drugs, and forget your worries.

Jesus actually took care of their worries. He didn’t mask the problem hoping it would go away; He met it straight on—face to face—“I see your sin, and I came to die that you might have forgiveness and healing. Trust Me.”

Jesus met the felt need of the world, because He is love. And that’s what love does.

He has asked us and told us to love like this: to die to yourself, notice others’ needs, and meet them. This is the way God loves us. We are to go and do the same.

Are you loving others like Jesus did? How are you doing that today?


It’s easier to hippie love than to love like Jesus. If I just give people what they want, instead of what they need, yes it’s enabling them, but isn’t that showing that I care? 

Care yes, but that’s not real love.

Father, I fall short of Your expectations of loving people well. Forgive me. I forget to call, to check in, and I ignore their real needs—hoping someone else will see it. Forgive me.

I want to love like Jesus, but I need Your help to do this well. I need Your tenacity, Your patience, but especially, Your ability to love others authentically.

I need Your help to love my kin, my friends, and Your kingdom family as You do—with joy in the sacrifice.

I don’t want to be a hippie lover—covering up that which really needs to be addressed. Teach me to be brave enough to care and to love like Jesus.

Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.



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