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I Have Many

Writer's picture: Susie WongSusie Wong

Audio cover
I Have Many


“One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: ’Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city,’” Acts 18:9-10, NIV.


As I sat at a kitchen table with a Rwanda view, I read about Paul on his own missionary journey. He was revisiting places that his foot had trod, and was following up on the people who, during his first trip, came to believe in Jesus. As Paul traveled unfamiliar territory, I too, had visited unknown places in Africa. I had visited villages and prisons with a team of doctors and nurses, who offered free medical care and the gospel.

Paul was met with irritated Jews. These men in the synagogue wanted Paul gone, “taken care of;” wanted Paul and his truth silenced. These Jews sought government assistance, yet— they were rejected. Rome expected the Jews to take care of their own “religious issues.” Rome would have nothing to do with their problems.

As a result, the Corinthians who supported Paul beat up the accusatory religious leader and silenced him. Paul was now safe.

I didn’t met anyone who was highly irritating. I felt safe in Africa. I felt safe walking the roads, going to the prisons, and even getting bit by mosquito after mosquito. God had led me to this beautiful country to help and pray for the Rwandan people. Like Paul, who met many believers throughout his travels, I met many of God’s people in Rwanda.

There are people all over the world who love God and serve Him. What a joy it was to walk off a plane into the hands of family. What a joy it was to pray for those who work hard at their calling. What a joy it was to see others come to know Jesus for the first time.

After praying with many men and women, I was blessed to look them in the eyes and see family. These are my people, my family, my sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus. God indeed has many of His children all over the world. What an honor it was to meet them and encourage them, as they encouraged me.

Who have you encountered today? Are you encouraging them or irritating them?


You are our good Father. You have many children all over the world who love You and who desire to serve and obey You. Help us greet each other in love and encouragement.

Help us to encourage each other through prayer and tangible means.

Help us all be Your hands and feet.

In Jesus’ name,




I’m glad you can understand my voice!! Thank you for letting me know 🥰.


Jan 17

Thank you for the audible reading, love to hear your voice again. I enjoyed hearing about your trip to Africa and the impact it made.


A Moment With Jesus


Thanks for reading and listening to my latest devotional. If you feel prompted, please share your thoughts and comments at the end of this post.

Love, love, love this! It’s like you voiced what I sometimes struggle with in the exact words I have spoken.

Thank you for your heart to share and your gift of faith.

It is truly appreciated!

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