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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

If You Can’t be Pretty, Smell Good

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised,” Proverbs 31:30, NIV.

"For we are like a sweet-smelling incense offered by Christ to God, which spreads among those who are being saved and those who are being lost. For those who are being lost, it is a deadly stench that kills; but for those who are being saved, it is a fragrance that brings life. Who, then, is capable for such a task?" II Corinthians 2:15-16, GNT.

The sweet aroma that God finds pleasant isn’t necessarily hair spray and mousse. It’s the smell of a transformed life for God, in Christ Jesus.

We live in a vain world. We actually try to surpass the beauty of the flowers in the fields. But Jesus told us that even Solomon (the richest man in the world) couldn’t compete with God’s creation.

“Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these,” Matthew 6:29, NIV.

Yet we still try. We put pig fat on our face to remove wrinkles, or spend copious amounts of money on face cream, just to look good. All the while God is saying, “Is that really where your focus should be?” Should we not desire God’s attention so we can get to know Him better? Just because our full-length mirror tells us we have everything appropriately tucked in, and makeup properly put on—doesn’t mean God sees the same thing. Men, you’re not off the hook either—the mirror itself can still be a distraction.

He’s looking for a quiet and gentle spirit, and one who fears the LORD. A person who understands that they are truly second. That our surrender to God is our first job of the day, not eyeliner or a razor.

This convicts me more than any of you—because I still put on mascara to go walking!

Is your makeup drawer larger than your Bible study area? After reaching for your glasses, what do you reach for next?


I want to be able to go without makeup, and rely on You for my character. Let it out shine my face. Yet, I just bought more eyeliner. This battle is real. Why do we see ugly, when You see beauty? Teach us to see what’s truly important, a heart that is gentle—content in You.

I agree with Solomon—“Vanity, vanity, vanity, all is vanity.” Help me to build up my character, not my makeup bag. Teach me to smell good to you. Help me to reprioritize, so that I can truly stand before You, naked and unashamed.

I want to be a blessing to others. To show them who You are—forgive me for falling short of this goal.

Thank You, Father, You who holds our hand and leads us to still waters. This is where we can drink and wash our faces.



Nov 30, 2023

i loved this! Thanks Susie!

Dec 07, 2023
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Thank you!💗


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