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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

Intentional Intersections

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Intentional Intersections

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it,” I Corinthians 10:23, NIV.

As I was walking one morning, I came across a metal storage unit that had four sides facing each a cardinal direction-(N), (S), (E), (W). What caught my attention was the fact that the east and west facing sides were damaged by the sun. The paint was cracked and peeling. Yet, the north and south sides of the same unit were seemingly unscathed.

I thought that it was interesting that 90 degrees made all the difference. Just like an intersection.

One can be traveling down a path, and in a moment’s notice be on a different course, just by turning a corner. This can be a detrimental or rewarding choice to make. For if you were on a good and right path, veering from it might cause harm. Yet, if you were on a path of destruction, turning just 90 degrees could save your life or even your soul.

The major intersections in our life should be carefully considered, not to be jumped across without prayer and wise counsel. A move to another state, selling your home, getting married, or even what college to attend are all major intersections. Seeking guidance in order to make a good and wise choice can help us.

But what about those seemingly non-major intersections, the minor ones? What about choosing a movie to watch, a book to read, a website to visit, or should I take a jacket?  These decisions can have equally devastating or beneficial consequences.

Our choices are our intersections. Sometimes they are gentle and easy decisions, like should I eat an orange or an apple? We choose and move on—and that’s a great skill to develop. Making good choices in one area can carry over to other areas. But so can making bad choices.

“If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them,” James 4:17, NIV, is a rule I try to live by.

Yet, what if I don’t know the right or good thing to do? What if I stand at said intersection and am unsure of what direction is my true north?

Prayer works. Asking someone who has traveled the path before us also works, so that we don’t find ourselves in need of a way out.

But if we do find ourselves stuck—God always makes a way of escape for us—I Corinthians 10.


Because He loves us and is for us. He is not trying to trip us up or lure us into temptation.

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one,’” Matthew 6:13, NIV.

But since there are temptations all around us—we need His help to protect us from that which can so easily entangle us.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble’s Psalm 46:1, NIV.

What intersection are you at today? If it concerns your spiritual, mental, or physical health—pray and seek good godly counsel.

Are you reaching for the candy bar versus the apple? Are you picking up the remote to avoid conversation? What intersection are you at today?


We desperately need Your help, daily. And sometimes every moment of our day. We need You, LORD, to guide us towards Your truth and away from the lies of the enemy.

We need Your wisdom to pursue You and Your righteousness.

We trust You will not lead us into temptation—but You will actually deliver us from it.

We ask that You will be glorified by our decisions, today.




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