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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

Meet My Father

“25 Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me, 26 but you do not believe because you are not my sheep. 27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one,” John 20:25-30, NIV.

Whenever I took one of those spiritual gift tests growing up, I always secretly hoped I wouldn’t receive the gift of evangelism. I didn’t relish standing on a street corner shouting at people that they needed to know Jesus or they would burn in hell.

My understanding of an evangelist at the time was limited to skeleton teaching—teaching that had some truth but no meat on the bones.

As I see it now, an evangelist is one who brings a friend home to meet their Father. Yes, their Father IS a pretty intimidating Being. He is all knowing, omnipresent and holy. But He is also honestly good, welcoming, and filled with approachable love.

I was introduced to God the Father in a church when I was 15. I fell in love with Him immediately. I was drawn in by His grace to forgive, but what made me stay was His desire to call me His own daughter. His own. He wanted to build a relationship with me, and it was that fact which has cemented me to His side all these years.

Has it been a perfect relationship? Well, my Father is perfect, but I am a rebellious daughter who really wants her own way, so no, not perfect. But every time I pray or seek Him for forgiveness or help, He’s always there.

Thinking back, maybe the reason why I never wanted to be an evangelist was that I really didn’t know Him. Though I was by His side, or actually He stayed by my side, I had not gained the intimacy that I desired. How do I introduce you to someone I don’t really know myself?

It took me years to really know and trust my Heavenly Father. The trial and error period lasted until I admitted to myself that I was only reading about my Father, but I lacked the intimacy I sought which triggered my journey at 15.

“You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart,” Jeremiah 29:13, NIV.

Seeking takes time. It takes effort. It takes ALL YOUR HEART. All. To give God all of our heart takes trust and surrender, and it is not for the faint-hearted. We go through trials that test our resolve. Yet, these trials also provide us with the character needed to keep seeking with hope. Painful and sorrowful at times, yet these trials guarantee a promise. We receive the very character of our Father and proof that we are His and He is ours. And this we can actually be joyful about!

I now know Him and deeply love and trust Him. He is truly good. He is willing to help me, lead me, and give of His time just to walk with me. He has allowed me to get to know Jesus, and Jesus has allowed me to get to know my Father. Sealed with His very Spirit, He guides me and gives me understanding. This is my Father, and I hope you will want to meet Him or desire to know Him better. He is welcoming, kindhearted, and ready to forgive any who desire it. His voice is gentle and loving, too.

He is also very jealous of His own. The jealousy of God is to protect us. He pulls us in away from evil’s harm. The jealousy of man is to want and to demand what others have in order to take it away. Man’s jealousy is to get, God’s jealousy to give.

God’s jealousy protects us. He guards us. He is Holy.

His very nature cannot be fully understood, and that’s why I’m still on my journey to try to understand Him as much as I am able. The more I know of God, the more I am in love with Him.

Isn’t it wonderful that we will never be bored seeking out the great mysteries of God?

Would you like to meet my Heavenly Father? Would you like to know Him better? More intimately?


I bring friends and family into Your throne room, and ask that You will reach out to them as You reached out to me all those years ago. That You will help them see and understand You as children of God should see You.

That You will guide us with Your firm but loving hand.

That as we draw near to You, You will draw near to us.

Thank You for the tenacity that You have demonstrated on our journey together thus far. You have been so patient with me. Thank You for never leaving me, nor forsaking me.

Thank You for opening my eyes to see Your goodness, love, and care. Would You please open the eyes of all who seek You with all their hearts?

We want to be evangelists for Your name’s sake. We want to introduce You to our friends and family. We want them to know You—really know You. And we want to know You better and better ourselves.

Help us do this well.



I love your insight on God’s jealousy and ego—you’re right—God doesn’t have an ego, He walks in love and protects us. He’s such a good Father.🥰


Thanks for sharing your journey, Susie! This makes evangelism so much more approachable.

I’ve never considered God’s jealousy in my favor. It’s not in a controlling way but in a protective way. His jealousy has felt limiting, but out of trust and obedience, I have accepted that. Really, it’s not because he needs our praise to feed his ego, even though he’s still fully deserving of it. it’s just not his character to be so controlling over us. It’s because he wants our best, and he knows our best. He wants to guard us.


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