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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

More of Jesus

"Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭37‬-‭38‬ ‭NIV‬‬

What does it mean to love God with your “all?” 

How can I love God with my all and still have something left over for others, and myself? 

I asked God, “How can I love You with all my heart?”

His gentle answer was—desire Me above everything else. 

This hit home with me, because there are days where I am super busy, then there are my down-days.  Days filled with time. So, instead of finding a project to accomplish, I find the remote. I have always had a love affair with TV. Not stupid TV, but good shows that tell a good story. I guard my viewing, but not the allotment of time used in doing so. I desire quality and quantity.

Desire. I know it will be a “TV fast” day, when I wake up desiring episodes 5 and 6, and who am I kidding—probably episode 7 as well, over Jesus. 

I want Jesus to be the first thing I think of when I wake up. Then my husband. Not a TV show. So, when I wake up with my desires upside down—it’s a day of fasting.

What does loving God with all my soul look like? 

For me, it’s making God a priority over my self wants. Asking Him, what do You want from me today? How may I serve You? I am to surrender all, every day. I am not to insist on my own way.

What does loving God with all my mind look like?

Again, for me, it’s loving God with intentional decisions. If I am choosing to keep my mind focused on my Lord, I need to intentionally invite Him in into my on-going conversations, those with my inside voice and outside voice--what I think and say.

To make sure I am keeping His path of righteousness, my path as well. 

This doesn’t mean I can’t talk about cute shoes, taxes, or even TV shows. It means I need to make sure I’m deliberate about what I’m thinking, and that which influences my thoughts.  For example, my language throughout my conversations with others. For me that means no swearing or gossip. Which are easy to slip into, given the topic at hand. But victory is mine, if I seek it.

How are you loving God with your “all,” today?

Dear Father,

Help us to love You with our “all” today.

With all of our hearts and desires.

With all of our soul and self-surrender.

With all our mind and its intentionality.

We need You to help us achieve obedience with this precious commandment. To love You first. To love you best and to love You with intent.

You are worthy of our time, effort and focus. You are worthy of our schedules and our down-time. For there is no one like You—our Almighty Creator.

Thank You for Your Spirit that leads us along Your path of righteousness. Thank you for Your Word, that when we struggle to hear Your small tender voice—we are without excuse—because of Your perfectly recorded Word. Thank You that we matter to You. That I matter to You. Thank You for always being by our side. Always.




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