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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

My Space

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My Space

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth,” I Corinthians 13:4-6, ESV.

I just totally insisted on my own way! I just took a parking spot—that I actually found first— and made a legal U-turn to get it while someone else awkwardly waited for the same space and pulled in a driveway blocking other drivers. I got there first, yet the desire for the space was matched equally by both parties to obtain it!

I didn’t do anything wrong except insist that it was mine.

It does not matter that it was technically my space, for God had nudged me, "Don’t insist.”

I ignored it because I was going to —get this—do His will by going on a prayer walk around a nearby college campus! And this space was perfectly suited for my needs.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! I know better, yet with a smile and wave I explained that I actually saw the prize first. He drove away, leaving me feeling heartless in the car. Conviction came like a flash flood.

Oh, what a wretched person… to disobey because I wanted to serve!

Confessions are part of my relationship with Jesus. It’s not the first time I have ignored Him, but I’d love it if it were the last time. All I know is I learn from each misstep, trip, or fall. My Jesus is always there helping me back up again.

I did pray that the man who wanted the parking spot too, would actually find a better spot. Did he? I have no idea. This is a prayer that I will have to wait until I am in heaven to know. Yet, I hope he did.

Praying for others after being humbled is actually a good place to be. Not that I would choose to go through this again, but I will humble myself in the future, preparing my heart for God’s purposes over my own.

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up,” James 4:10, NIV.

How’s your humility today? Are you insisting on your own way?


I can’t even imagine how very busy You are everyday!

Thank You for walking with us, keeping us on Your path of righteousness, and teaching us to humble ourselves.

We desire to stand before You, in order to praise Your name, not seek our selfish wants.

We desire to serve You as a king, the way a king deserves to be served, King Jesus.

We desire to obey the still, small voice of Your Holy Spirit.

We desire You.

Thank You for not giving up on us—ever!




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