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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

My Yellow-ish Light

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God,” Philippians 4:6, NIV.

Recently, I was on my way to meet a friend, and I ran a red light. I’d really like to take the time here to defend myself and say that it was “nearly red, or yellow-ish red,” but in reality—as I looked at the light while driving through the intersection—it was red. Christmas red.

Yes, repentance filled the car mixed with justification—soon only repentance. God is always right. And His Spirit which lives in me made sure I was reminded of this fact.

I was late, which caused anxiety and the potential of embarrassment. I didn’t want to arrive with my chin down, having to apologize yet again. 

During my conversation with Jesus, I realized that the only control I held had passed—my ability to leave on time. 

God reminded me that I shared the road with other drivers now, and some of them were anxious about being late as well. I needed to arrive in one piece—not by ambulance. God was slowing me down and reminded me that He was in control. In fact we were having this conversation as the train gates were closing right in front of me! He was working with what I gave Him—a tight schedule. Which just got even tighter. I actually laughed out loud realizing this truth—I was not in control!

After all, what was more important—arriving with a clean heart or an anxious one? Since I had no choice but to wait at the gate, I used the time to accept what my clock was telling me, yup—you’re late. And I calmed my heart by accepting this fact.

How I arrived at my destination was what was important. Humbled for being late, yet thankful I was unscathed. 

I was actually greeted with compassion. And soon my tardiness was a thing of the past. (Until now since I have permanently recorded it).

How is your heart, soul, and mind on the road? Are you an anxious driver? 


We have actually surrendered all to You by receiving Your gift of salvation. Thank You.

We have agreed to do life Your way, not our own. Help us.

That means we even surrender our control behind the wheel of our cars. Help us, again, to remember that we are Yours and You have asked us to obey.

Help us to remember that there are other people on the road. Help us, actually, to remember that there are others in our cars, homes, schools, and offices, too!

Help us to think of others, as this helps to lower our personal anxiety. When we think of others, we cease to put that same attention on ourselves, which frees us up from our anxious thoughts.

You are such a good Father. We love You. Help us to remember how much we love You, all day long.

Thank You for Your unconditional love toward us.

Thank You for never leaving us nor forsaking us to our own personal drama and anxieties. 

You really are the best.




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