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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

Narrow Path

“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 NIV

This is a high and holy calling for sure.

Yet, this is what we have been called to do—as children of God.

No wonder the path of righteousness is narrow—just holding captive every thought is a full time job.

Do you feel like you’re constantly fighting uphill battles? Well—you probably are. All I can say to you today is—I know you can do it, if you’re doing it with God. God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. So, if it’s a steep incline you’re currently on, either Jesus is behind you pushing you up, or soon it will level out—probably both.

But why do we need to battle so diligently? We are in a fight for spiritual lives—yours and others. Our enemy, who is against righteousness, lies. It is because of him that our battles continue. He is trying to lead us away from God, and he’s good at it. But hold on—there’s hope. God’s Word is truth—we can trust it, because God cannot lie.

God is good—we can depend upon His goodness.

We are actually on the side that wins! It might not seem like it today—but we are! And it will be worth every tear shed, every prayer said, and every good choice you have made—for God.

Can you trust Him for one more day? Can you be obedient for one more hour?


I pray that You help keep our feet upon holy ground, Your right path.

That we are able to take captive that which might lead us away from Your truth.

That our hearts will beat praise upon praise—for You, our King.

That thanksgiving will lighten our darkened hallways and alleyways, for we know You will never leave our side.

Thank You that You have not left us empty handed, but given us the power of Your Spirit, and each other. We’re in this battle—together.

Encourage our hearts today to trust and obey. We need You.


1 Comment

I really needed this encouragement tonight. With God's help, I can obey for one more hour. I can hold onto hope. The battle is won! Amen.


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