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Writer's pictureSusie Wong


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But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners,” Matthew 9:13, NIV.

I have been a Christian for about 45 years. There have been many ups and downs including impatient waitings, faithless service, and Biblical misunderstandings. Yet through it all, I get up and read and reread the Word of God. I have established a habit, a rhythm to my mornings, with over a hundred notebooks that will support this claim.

Yet, a scheduled appointment with God doesn’t show desire; all it shows is commitment.

Does this sound like you, too?

Time with God, at least for me, needs to be intentional and filled with longing.

For years I held my head up higher than needed—because after all—I just had my “Quiet Time.” I had checked my “righteous box” for the given day. Yet, the love for others was missing. I lacked the merciful component to the Christian life.

I have learned that spontaneous conversations throughout the day with God are essential if I am going to learn to love others like Jesus. I try to drive silently on occasion to encourage myself to pray. This exercise has led to unhurried moments with my Savior. Time spent with Jesus learning how He loves has actually cultivated a love for His people in me. It has also created the need and desire to understand the lost. I now have the opportunity to apply what I have been studying for years!

Like a worship leader, one needs to hone their skills with intentional practice but lead with passionate singing or playing. I, too, need my time with God to be scheduled, that's my intentional practice. Yet, when I show up, I need to bring my authentic self, not a self-righteous representation of a child of God, but a humble student ready to learn and submit to my Savior.

How are your quiet times coming along? Are you in a rhythm of passionate pursuit, or are you walking a pharisaic style of religion?


Thank You that You never change. Thank You that Your unconditional love for Your children never falters. Thank You for teaching us how to pray and how to grow with a childlike faith. Thank You for Your patience along the way. Thank You that you have never left us, nor forsaken us. Thank You for guiding us on our paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. And thank You that You help us shake off our own self-righteous footholds, enabling us to dance like Your King David.

You are the King of Kings, and we desire to know You better today than yesterday. Help us make that happen.



Loved this and so needed to hear it.

I also loved listening to your recording and reading along!

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Thank you Sarah for letting me know! That means a lot. Glad it encouraged you today!💗


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