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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

Oh, They’re Being Mean

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Oh, They're Being Mean

”Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved,”

‭Acts‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬, ‭NIV‬‬.

It’s interesting when one’s time with the LORD matches a weekend service. When was the last time that has happened to you?

For me it was recent, not only the topic, the scripture as well.

In Acts 5, we find Peter and John working side by side sharing the good news of the gospel to others. They used miracles on the occasion to show the power of God. The same power that Jesus had and used. It wasn’t residual power, leftover from Jesus, lingering until the wind blew and it dissipated. It WAS Jesus’s power! Because Jesus is still alive! Jesus gave them His anointed power. His Spirit. A gift of God’s glory, and kingdom building usefulness.

Peter and John, like Jesus, knew when to use it to draw attention to God—not themselves. And it was working—3,000 (Acts 2:41), became believers one day; another 2,000, another day, (Acts 4:4).

This new movement did not go unnoticed.

The religious leaders watched in anguished anticipation as these events unfolded. “What will be next?”

“Didn’t we kill this Jesus who had this kind of power?”

“Why are these fishermen doing the same things as Jesus?”

This must be stopped once and for all!

So, they arrested Peter and John, thinking that this would stop them. But the religious leaders’ plan failed.

Though arrested and scolded—threatened, Peter and John pressed on, intent on obeying God.

The followers of Jesus weren’t whining about their conditions, “Oh, they’re being mean to us, Father, help us.” They asked that they would be able to continue to serve God in the power of His might. They weren’t against those who were trying to silence them, they were trying to show them The Way. They had a job to do and knew it would take the power of the Creator God, to accomplish it. Their eyes were focused on the prize—hope in the kingdom of Heaven. They were to continue to do what Jesus started—build the church.

Isn’t that why we are here as believers of the Most High? To continue His work—to restore the lost back to their right path? The path of God’s right doing?

And what a path it is! Filled with wonder, joy, struggles, and victories! A path that fulfills our longings and needs—our truest longings and truest needs—those of salvation and transformation. We have the privilege to become like Jesus—to walk in His love and hope. And to offer this same gift that saved us, to others.

Is this not our goal? Are we focused on the “me,” part of life and have forgotten that there are others in the room? How are we going to change that focus?


Only You can help us to go boldly into the night, to speak Your truth and love.

Regardless of a clock, day or night help us to speak for You, as You have asked and commanded. With the power and might of Jesus—giving our voice and character the confidence needed to be like Your First born.

In the Name of Jesus, we can actually move those mountains in front of us, for You!

Thank You that we have examples throughout history that can encourage us that this is possible this side of Heaven. But we do need You to be part of the journey. We want to step when and where You step—so we need eyes to see You moving first.

We need and desire to hear Your still, small voice—help us to be quick to listen. And quick to obey.

For we know salvation is from no one else but Jesus. And seriously, how can anyone else give and do what Jesus did….

He is alive, so we can literally stand with Him. Thank You.

In Your Son's name,


1 Comment

Lord, give me eyes to see where you are moving and let my feet be swift to follow!


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