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Writer's pictureSusie Wong


He has not given us a spirit of fear, but a Spirit of power, love and a sound mind,” 2 Timothy 1:7, NIV.

God’s Spirit is the true power we seek, the love we need, and the wisdom and clarity that covers us enabling us to focus in this crazy world.

We want power to control. We were made in God’s image and seeking His character. Of course we want His power! But unfortunately, all to often, we want it for ourselves, not to build His kingdom. Once we have surrendered our will’s to God, power is fine. Then the responsibility of power needs the wisdom of God.

We need to be bathed daily in His love. A love that helps us to seek God with all of our hearts, and which loves a neighbor more than ourselves. A covering of love chases away and leads us not into temptation. It actually delivers us from the evil choices we make—the me, me, me part of our brain.

That’s why we need God’s sound mind, a mind that’s strong enough to seek what’s right and to know what’s wrong. Then, using His power, we can do the impossible: love like He does and pursue His righteousness.

It’s a beautiful package.

Because of II Timothy—we can actually apply Psalms 34:14.

"Turn away from evil, and do good."

We can seek peace and pursue it.

Tell me that doesn’t take power and love! To actually love another with intent to pursue peace with someone, even during seasons of hostility.

God has not left us empty handed if we desire to help Him build up His kingdom. He has fully equipped us to do the work of an evangelist. A good, obedient, surrendered-to-do-what’s-right evangelist. One who cares enough to lead one more into His kingdom. We can do that through prayer, by telling others our story of salvation, and by serving others as Jesus did. It takes all of us with our varied talents and gifts to do this well.

I guess the question is whether or not we care enough to do this? Do we desire to build up God’s kingdom? Are we using God’s power for “right-ness?”


Thank you for setting up a kingdom where You dwell. Thank You for giving us all we need to do all You have asked of us.

And yet we struggle. I struggle. I want to work, but I also want to be lazy. I want to serve, but I also want to be served. I want to give, but I also want to hold on to and have more. Help me to be more like Jesus.

Help all Your children be more like Jesus. He lived a good, right, obedient life. Thank you that we have Him as our role model, as our Savior, as our friend.

Help us to turn away from evil, and do good. Help us to seek peace with determination and pursue it with a tenacious will. We need Your love and power to help us do what’s right.

Teach us to surrender all. For You.



Such a good reminder! Seek Him first …

Replying to

Thank you Lyndy.🥰


Me, too! 💗


I’m so thankful that God loves us as children and leads me one step closer to him and relying on his love and his power each day!


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