Rock Cakes

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him,” Matthew 7:9-11, NIV.
When my son and his beautiful bride returned from their honeymoon, amongst the stories of adventures and delights were the photos of their cruise ship food. Specifically, the bread. It amused me that it was the picture of the half-eaten roll and its description that put joy on my son’s face. His retelling of his dinner roll gave them both a look of fond remembrance.
Needless to say, bread does capture our attention. My husband and I used to judge restaurants by their bread at the beginning of the meal and their coffee at the end. If the quality of these two items was not compromised—we’d return. The idea was that if you aren’t going to skimp on the “loss-leaders,” then chefs more than likely won’t hold back on the main course—because they care about the details and ingredients they serve.
So, apparently, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. We Wongs like bread.
I just read on Wikipedia (yes, it’s a good site for fun facts) that there are over 200 different kinds of breads in the world—excluding: cakes, pastries and fried dough foods. If you need to pause and get a muffin or avocado toast, I totally understand.
Yet, the 200 can fall into three categories: quick yeast, flatbread, and yeast breads, differing in their need of time to mature. Flat bread is a bread ready in moments—like the Israelites used as they hurried out of Egypt. Quick breads are usually used for Saturday’s morning pancakes, and yeast breads are breads that require proofing and a watchful eye.
My son and his wife's bread of choice was a yeast bread — the most challenging of breads to perfect.
So, when I read, "God said, I will not give you a stone, when you ask for bread," it made me think, "Do I trust God to give me the best bread for any given moment?"
Remember, followers of the Most High, we have surrendered or are in the process of learning how to give our all to our Heavenly Father. This means we need to continue on our journey to trust Him to give us good bread — the bread we need. Some days we will need a quick feeding, while other days we will have time to linger in his presence with a yeast roll. But God will never give us a stone when bread is needed. He is a good Father.
Our Father does indeed give us "stones," but these stones equal trials--things we experience, not eat. Therefore, if I ask for a good day and I get a flat tire, I need to see that flat tire as a blessing and not a punishment.
Trials are used to help us develop the character of God. Most of the time, trials are realized gifts only after the hardship is over. If we can learn to lean into these rough seasons and not scorn them, we might have a deeper, more refined character as a result.
How do we lean in? First, we don’t complain that it’s not fair. Second, we find scripture that can encourage us as we are learning to trust God. Third, we guard our hearts and minds and learn to reject the lie of the enemy—that which tries to prevent us from growing.
Our Father is a good Father. He knows us, loves us, and will lead us well if we trust Him to do so.
Are you ready to be fed? Are you ready to receive that which Your Father has planned for you?
You are such a good Father. You listen, care, and respond perfectly to Your children for our own good.
We ask that You give us bread today. Whether that be Your grace, Your forgiveness, Your guidance, or Your actual gifts that encourage our hearts.
Help us to recognize that all of these offerings are good gifts. Help us appreciate Your goodness. Help us to cease looking at trials as if they were evil stones.
Help us to grow in You to become more like You.
I love this take on "daily bread." Each day may require a new kind. Perhaps that's why there are 200+ varieties. His mercies truly are new every morning. Thank you, Father!