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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

Spot Clean

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” Psalm 139:23-24, NIV.

I love my comfy, cozy sweatshirt—especially in the winter. It’s like walking around the house wearing a blanket—snuggly and warm. Truth is, I will wear it in the spring and fall, too. Maybe it’s not so much of the cozy feeling but the fact I hate being cold! Alas, it does have its drawbacks. The sleeves get into everything. Even this morning I found myself at the sink spot cleaning oatmeal off the cuff.

I used to throw the whole sweatshirt into the washer for such a tiny offense, but now spot cleaning works just as well. I don’t need a full washing just to remove a few spots.

God showed me this morning that, He too, spot cleans us. We do need a deep dive or a spring cleaning of our soul from time to time, but often just a check-in will do. But it needs to be an honest, ready-to-change-if-need-be, check-in.

When we ask God to search us—He will. Can we trust God with the truth of what He may want to reveal? Are we going to repent and change behavior? Will we change the direction of our life if called to?

Sometimes God reveals deep unconfessed sin, and sometimes it’s not so deep—it’s just a spot cleaning. He just wants us to clean up a new mess or stain before it has a chance to take root.

That just happened with me. My husband and I don’t usually watch movies with the #%* word. But lately, if we want to watch anything on a certain network, we have to endure one, two, or our limit of three bad words. Yet, one movie recently was so engaging, we compromised and tried to ignore the language for the sake of the storyline. How did it go? Not so great. I don’t like having certain words linger in my mind. And linger they did. Spot cleaning and new commitments were needed.

I desire to have God’s voice be the loudest one in my head—not other words that leave me unsettled.

When was the last time you asked God to search you? Do you need a deep clean or just a spot clean?


You know us so well. You know our selfish comings and goings, and You still seek to prepare a place for us, in the presence of our enemies where You protect.

You are so very patient with us as You lead us into righteousness for Your name’s sake.

Thank You for calling us into the business of Kingdom building. We sometimes pick up a hammer when we should just be sanding. Sometimes we hear You and immediately forget what You have said. We ask that You will forgive us once again, and search our hearts, removing spots and stains--our sins.

We desire to follow and obey You. We just really need Your help to do so.

Thank You that You promise to never leave us nor forsake us.

We love You. Always.




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