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Writer's pictureSusie Wong


Audio cover

“For no word from God will ever fail.” Luke 1:37, NIV.

This is a bold statement. But what if it’s true? More than likely some of you just raised an eyebrow. Thinking, “Of course it’s true! She’s drinking the Kool-Aid!”

So, if it’s true—are we living as if it were so? Are we seeking and searching out God’s Word because we know it never fails? Do we desire to know these words of God? Are we reading a translation that’s tried and true, unaltered by man to justify himself?

Or are we content living in our comfortable ignorance?

If God’s words never fail, and this is a true statement—this means we are to pay attention to ALL of them! Not just the ones that give us comfort or that we agree with, we need to submit to God and all of His unfailing Words that bring life.

“Jesus answered, ‘It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God,’” Matthew 4:4, NIV.

For if His words never fail, then they are true. If true, then they are solid, and if solid, then we can have confidence in them. With that confidence we have the strength and hope to obey them.

Unfortunately, all too often we truly don’t believe that they are as absolute as God, the Creator, has said.

We are comfortable with a type of fire insurance that protects us from hell, with just enough Holy Spirit to know we are saved. However, we don’t really want to be that crazy Christian that believes to the point of death (even social death)—believing God and His Word.

In today’s “enlightened era,” we’d rather nod than speak. We are comfortable keeping silent. We pride ourselves thinking, “At least we don’t agree with those who say, ‘Sexual immorality is as dated as the flood. And by the way, the flood never happened.’”

Yet, we also remain silent when our kids decide to live a life that yesterday’s Pastor’s would have banished from the church! Instead, we feel like we need to protect our children from their choices, and feel we need to side with them, because it makes them feel better.

Do you believe that loving your child means agreeing with them, regardless of the consequences? Did you know that to speak the truth in love to another, even if it is difficult, is love? Do we know that certain actions which go against God’s Word should be lovingly pointed out, because it can actually save and change a person for the better?

Have we forgotten that God’s Word will never fail? This means both the promises of life eternal and death, which is separation from God to those who reject Him.

Do we know that believing yet not obeying God’s Word is a form of rejecting God at His Word? We need to both know what God is telling us and obey when necessary—which is all the time and every day.

Is occasional or convenient obedience truly what God is asking from His children?

Do we know when we reject God’s Word, we are doing no one a favor?

Those who need to hear about God’s life-changing love from sin to forgiveness never get to hear this truth. This is because we are too busy helping them feel better about themselves and their sin on this side of heaven.

If we believe God’s Word will never fail, we will live different lives when we obey it. We will strive to live and love as Jesus showed us by His example—by loving God with all His heart, soul, mind, and strength. Jesus also loved His neighbors as Himself—being willing to die for their sins—bringing in an era of righteousness and forgiveness.

Are you loving God by obeying Him? Even if it costs you?


You know how broken our world is. It’s always been a challenging place to live, but now more than ever it seems like wickedness is the new acceptable reality. Goodness, faithfulness, and kindness seem to be outlawed.

Isn’t it funny how years ago when I read I Corinthians 13, for the first time, I wondered why You added,

“…against such things there is no law.” Now I know. To truly love the way You have asked us to is dangerous.

“Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies,” Romans 8:33, NIV.


You hold us in the palm of Your hand, as Your chosen ones—thank You.

I’m broken hearted over the condition I find myself in. Help me to stand firm against the enemy’s strongholds. Help me to do what’s right and encourage others to do the same. Help me not to justify Your Word, in order to please mankind.

Help Your church to grow. Strengthen us where we are weakest and use our gifts to lift up those around us who need a boost.

Help us to remain faithful—




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