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Writer's pictureSusie Wong

With Thanksgiving

"Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts,”

Colossians 3:16 NIV.

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving

and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name,” Psalm 100:4, NIV.

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever,” Psalm 107:1, ESV.

Being thankful can change your life. Yet, it is a discipline that requires a tenacious spirit. 

Unfortunately, we as people are more prone to complain than appreciate what we have. To be fair, we bellyache more about what we don’t have than what we possess. We look and see that someone else has better toys, nicer kids, cuter clothes or swankier homes. We compare then complain. 

One would think as we get older, we fall gracefully into a posture of appreciation. But we don’t. At least I don’t. I now complain that my sister’s arms don’t shake and wobble like mine, or my friend’s knees work better, or their bifocals have a cuter frame. Still complaining. 

Yet, when I enter into the gates of thanksgiving and into the courts of praise—God literally changes my  attitude. But did you notice where I had to go? I need to be intentional about my thanks and praise—and enter in! I have to make a choice that I will be thankful. That I will praise God.

I’m not suggesting that you start with thanking God for your trauma; maybe one day, but at least we can begin with our shoes. We have at least one pair. Some of us have more (you know who you are). Now let’s move on to our dwelling places, our full refrigerators, our comfy beds. Those in the beds in our house—our family. Finally—with hearts filled with gratitude—thank God. He is the giver of all these good gifts. 

Don’t be that seven year old who watches her sister open up the desperately desired gift at Christmas, and allow yourself to be filled with jealousy. 

Be the parent, the one giving the gift. Excited to see the joy on your children’s faces. Try to see God’s perspective as He gives us good gifts. This will enable us to understand God a little better. The anticipation He must have waiting for that “Thank you,” is one we can so easily identify with.

He knows what gifts to give—and eagerly waits for His children to unwrap them with thanksgiving, and it delights Him. 

Yet, He also witnesses His children squabble over material goods, I’m sure like any parent—it frustrates Him.

Let us enter the gates with thanksgiving! Let’s intentionally praise God and thank Him.

When was the last time you said, “Thank You Father for my salvation?”How about your forgiveness? For your filling of the Holy Spirit? These are priceless gifts.


We do come to You in the spirit of thanksgiving. But I must confess my attitude that’s been less than pleasing to you—for defensiveness, frustration when I drive, for almost falling asleep at church—because I couldn’t engage as my mind wandered. I wasn’t thankful to be with Your people, learning.

Forgive me for letting anxiety and fear replace a posture of appreciation.

Father, I do love You. I am grateful for Your presence in my life. I love how You lead me, and take care of me. 

Thank You for the many gifts You have given me—from salvation, to friendships, to my material needs (and wants). I thank You for the family You have given me—each one fearfully and wonderfully made—in Your image. Bless them today.

Thank You for the bounty of food we have and help us to keep our table open for any and all to join us. 

We want to walk in an attitude of appreciation. To be thankful —because it matters.

Thank You Jesus for teaching us how to do that well.



Nancy Loos
Nancy Loos
Nov 24, 2023

Comparing often DOES lead to complaining. Being thankful for what we have is the best antidote. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Love your heart.


Christina Balbuena
Christina Balbuena
Nov 23, 2023

I have so much to be grateful for! Entering His presence with true thanksgiving today. Thanks, Susie!


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