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When I first starting reading this, I thought, "this is oddly specific, how do I apply this to other areas in my life?" But then God changed the directions of my thoughts. Do I surrender driving, something I do everyday, to Him? If I'm not giving Him my obedience in this physical part of my life, how am I going to start giving Him other parts? It was oddly specific, because it was supposed to be specific in my life! He has given me a specific, small step to lead me closer to Him. Thank you God! Thank you Susie.


Special Needs Resource Teacher

I think this message is definitely an important one to grasp today--we have invented so many new distractions for ourselves, so it's good to read a devotional reminding us to listen to HIS voice above anything else.



Susie, your devotionals are inspiring me to spend more and more time with our Holy One. Last night the Holy Spirit invited me to take communion and spend time in adoration and fellowship. Oh, what a delight!



Beautiful words, Susie, thank you. I always love your devos--rooted in God's word and peppered with humor and relatability. It keeps me coming back!



Being a homeschooler with my husband working from home leaves me with minuscule down time. And while it's my responsibility to get that downtime so I don't wear out, it is also a high calling from the Lord to serve IN THE WAY JESUS would, even when it is not my agenda. It (your devotional) got me thinking that I need to pray for this type of heart, since it's an ongoing issue. Thank you for reminding me of how I can be praying to align my heart with the example of Jesus.


Homeschool Mom

I enjoy your devotionals. I think you have found a nice flow of thought.


Counselor / Prayer Warrior

I was late to my first meeting with my team today. I had a slew of responses, of course none of them my fault! :) I showed up at 9:04. I was so anxious about how I would be perceived. I was pushing 90 in the slow lane. I hit my brakes and yelled at the woman merging, "Let's go skeletons!" (She had skeleton decorations hanging from her back window). But God. How I arrived, with an accepting heart, was all that mattered. I was reminded that I need to protect other drivers and not blame them for my tardiness. God said, "Don't you remember reading this this just a few days ago? Don't be anxious. Pray. Be thankful. Come to me."

His grace is sufficient for me. His power made perfect in my weakness.  


Volunteer Coordinator

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